Friday, December 23, 2011

Clark Hatch Danga Bay ~~~~ JOm senam! Part 3

When u go to a gym, it's not just about exercising or losing weight. You have to learn a lot about your body. For example..HR= Heart Rate. Me as a newbie confused about HR...what HR got to do with exercise? pffttt.... plus, i don't have a personal trainer yet.. =) This is some info that i would love to share with u allzz..

Credits to:

The average heart beats over two billion times in a lifetime! The normal heart rate for average adults ranges between 60 to 100 beats per minute. When you are sleeping your rate will be lower - it's not uncommon to see a resting heart rate of 50 - 90 beats per minute in a sleeping adult.
Generally speaking, the better your fitness levels, the lower your normal resting heart rate will be. --->mula-mula, my normal resting heart rate is like 120++, asi work out more often, my resting heart rate got lower..see??? is around 110 for now.

Another measure of cardiac fitness is how quickly your heart rate returns to resting rate when you stop exercising. The faster it returns to your normal heart rate the better.

Your exercising heart rate

As you exercise, your heart rate speeds up in order to get more blood, and hence more oxygen, to your muscles.

One way to determine your optimal target heart rate for exercise is to subtract your age from 220 (this is because our maximum heart rate decreases as we grow older). This will tell you your maximum heart rate. Multiply that number by .6 and by .8 to get your target zone while exercising.

For example, if you are 57 (220-57=163) your maximum rate is 163 and your target zone (163x.6=97.8, 163x.8=130.4) when working out is 98 - 130 beats per minute.

If you participated in a cardiac rehab program you may have been given a target heart rate for your exercise program. Go with that target.

If you develop shortness of breath, chest tightness, or dizziness along with rapid heart rate while exercising, stop immediately and seek medical help.

Just as we are all unique, your normal heart rate is individual to you. The important thing if you are living with heart disease is to talk to your doctor if you experience anything out of the ordinary ranges. And make sure you are treating your heart right - don't smoke, eat a heart healthy diet, exercise, and reduce your stress.

p/s: It's not easy for the healthy diet part for Malaysians because our food is just too marvellous and too impossible to be healthy. However..have to try my best though because i love my body *winkkk ;)

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